Undercover Boss is a television series on CBS produced by Studio Lambert. It is based on the 2009 British Channel 4 series of the same name. It was the most popular new show of the 2009-10 television season averaging 17,732,000 viewers (the only non-sports shows that were more popular in the 2009-10 season were American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and NCIS.)
Each episode of the show features a senior executive at a major corporation, working incognito as a new entry-level hire in his or her company for one week, to find out how the company really works (including the impact of "corporate policy") and identify some of the unsung heroes among the employees.
The first episode premiered on February 7, 2010 after Super Bowl XLIV and featured Larry ODonnell, President (Board of directors) and Chief Operating Officer of Waste Management, Inc.
On March 9, 2010, Undercover Boss was renewed for a second season.
Show Name: Undercover Boss
Genre: Reality television
Creator: Stephen Lambert (Stephen Lambert (media executive))
Num Seasons: 1 (2nd season ordered)
Num Episodes: 9
Runtime: 43-45 minutes
Company: Studio Lambert
Network: CBS
Picture Format: 480i
First Aired: Start date201027
Last Aired: present
Website: www.cbs.com/primetime/undercover_boss/