Topics: Entertainment, Modeling Tags: Saira Mohan View |
Jennifer Lamiraqui Nacida Marzo 26 1981 en Francia es una exotica modelo francesa que ha trabajado con Saira Mohan aparecio en la portada de la revista Maxim en Julio 2001 Es reconocida Topics: Entertainment, Modeling Tags: Saira Mohan View |
confidence and a personality to complement her beauty Her attitude made her the perfect choice for Teen Patti and we are more than pleased that we could work out dates and have her on board Tags: Saira Mohan View |
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Saira Mohan (born 1978, Montreal, Canada) is a fashion model (Model (person)) of Indian (demographics of India), Irish and French heritage. Although successful for many years prior in New York City, she was launched into international fame in 2003 after Newsweek put her on the cover with the headline "The Perfect Face". She is actively involved with product endorsements worldwide. She is married, and has a son named Romen Alexandre. She made her Bollywood debut with the film Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. She was ranked #91 on the Maxim (Maxim (magazine)) Hot 100 Women of 2002. Her second venture, Teen Patti (Teen Patti (film)) was released in February 2010.
Aside from appearing on countless magazine covers worldwide, including ELLE, Cosmopolitan (Cosmopolitan (magazine)), LOfficiel, and Town & Country, Saira has participated in several World Economic Forum events as an invited speaker, as well as at the 2006 India Today conclave.
Saira is the author of a popular ebook sold on her website entitled How To Seduce (and Marry) the Woman of Your Dreams.
Birth Name: Saira Mohan
Birth Location: Montreal, Canada