Dr. Jack Kevorkian, best known for his advocacy for assisted suicide Topics: Criminal Tags: Jack Kevorkian View |
� Bill Pugliano ? AFP Tags: Jack Kevorkian View |
Janet Elaine Adkins 1990 First Suicide assisted by Jack Kevorkian Janet Elaine Adkins was 54 and a former college instructor on disability when she decided to commit suicide the day she was diagnosed with Tags: Jack Kevorkian View |
Jack Kevorkian (pronEngk??v?rki??n; born May 28, 1928) is an Armenian-American pathologist, right-to-die (right to die) activist (activism), painter (painting), composer, and instrumentalist (Musician). He is best-known for publicly championing a terminal patients (terminal illness) right to die via physician-assisted suicide (assisted suicide); he claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end. He famously said that "dying is not a crime".
Between 1999 and 2007, Kevorkian served eight years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence for second-degree murder (Murder#Degrees of murder in the United States). He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, due to good behavior.
An oil painter (oil painting) and a jazz musician, Kevorkian has marketed limited quantities of his visual and musical artwork to the public.
Subject Name: Jack Kevorkian
Birth Name: Murad Kevorkian
Date of birth: 1928-05-26
Birth Location: Pontiac, Michigan, U.S.
Charge: Second-degree murder (Murder)
Conviction Penalty: 10-25 years imprisonment
Conviction Status: Paroled
Occupation: Pathologist