What did you do on Wednesday September 22nd 2004 Well to satisfy my ever growing fan base I decided to try and log every moment of the day on 9 22 04 Gorey details have not been entered such as showering and WC breaks but most every other detail is recorded so read on and see what a typical day for me is in sunny Shanghai 5 45am Alarm clock violently wakes me from a wonderful night sleep I press snooze 6 05am Alarm clock goes off again and alas I have no choice but to meet the day and shake the sleep from my head I showered and got dressed All the while my radio was tuned to CRI China Radio International which in the morning is just a cheesy English show where they speak really slowly and sound really dumb 6 45am Out of the apartment and down my 93 steps Hop on my bike and off to get some breakfast This week I went down every morning to a husband and wife team in the marketplace who makes the best Shan Dong breakfast Some egg dough and veggie spicy thing It is too good They are only 1 8 RMB which is about $ 25 each and I buy two one for the road and one for the office This is me and the husband on another day as I was enjoying the food with him They are pretty cool attached 1 7 15am Teacher Meeting with my team as I scarf down my breakfast that I had just bought in the market We talked about the different things that we had planned for the day 7 30am Arrived in class ready to teach Ready to face the students ready ready ready 8 00am First class begins today is a little different because we have chosen students to teach the grammar lesson It sounds kind of lazy on my part but it really helps me see what level the students are at and really gives the students a great responsibility and they did really well During the first class they specifically called on me to read some sentence and later as part of a game it was funny 9 30am Second class begins I taught them about blind date because the students used it in a dialogue so I used it as a teachable moment This class has an even Tags: I Already Work Around The Clock View |
pretty locked down Amanda will be coming over later today to watch and re watch it taking notes tightening things up Short of some disaster I should be hitting export around 10 o clock If you re not subscribed already you can subscribe to our RSS feed here and be notified immediately when we post the new episode There s a lot of work still left to do this weekend I need Tags: I Already Work Around The Clock View |