FILE In this Oct 2 2009 file photo Ann Curry attends the
FILE In this Oct 2 2009 file photo Ann Curry attends the Billboard Women In Music brunch at The Pierre Hotel in New York When NBC newswoman Ann Curry addressed graduates at Wheaton College she cited many famous alumni evangelist Billy Graham horror film director Wes Craven and former Republican Congressman Dennis Hastert Only one problem they all went to the other Wheaton College in Illinois Curry said in a letter to the Wheaton community she was ortified by the mistake AP Photo Evan Agostini File FILE In this Oct 2 2009 file photo Ann Curry attends the Billboard Women In Music brunch at The Pierre Hotel in New York When NBC newswoman Ann Curry addressed graduates at Wheaton College she cited many famous alumni evangelist Billy Graham horror film director Wes Craven and former Republican Congressman Dennis Hastert Only one problem they all went to the other Wheaton College in Illinois Curry said in a letter to the Wheaton community she was ortified by the mistake AP Photo Evan Agostini File